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Emirates Environmental Group strives to provide the young future leaders with practical and useful work experience, through which they can apply the knowledge gained through their degree studies. EEG strongly values the concept of internships and views it as an excellent educational experience for the students, which builds on their skills, while contributing to the workforce. We at EEG, match up the student’s skillset to our requirements as an organisation and foster those skills in the intern, thus ensuring the ‘best fit’. Over the years, EEG received some outstanding performers, who went further to become successful environmental professionals.
Volunteers & Green Opportunities
The Emirates Environmental Group is proud of its wide network of volunteers, members, partners and associates throughout the UAE. All our programmes engage various sectors of the community directly or indirectly. We aim to create a global impact by local changes. If you would like to become a volunteer, member or work with EEG, look out for opportunities below.